The Five Ancestors


Book 3

Cover of kung fu novel JACKAL by author Jeff Stone from The Five Ancestors: Out of the Ashes series.

After the excitement and danger Jake, Ryan, Phoenix, and Hú Dié survived in California, Jake is all set to chill out and enjoy the end of summer vacation. But after an impromptu BMX race, he gets an offer he can’t refuse—the chance to train and race with his friends in China, where a committee is building a world-class cycling team.

Soon Jake finds out that trouble can follow him even all the way to China. On his first night in Shanghai, he goes out to look for dinner and finds an old enemy instead. It’s the race of a lifetime as Jake is chased through Shanghai’s gritty streets, into the Chinese countryside, and as far as the old Cangzhen Temple, where the original Five Ancestors series began.

With his signature adrenaline-filled, fast-paced writing, Jeff Stone takes the Five Ancestors Out of the Ashes trilogy to its thrilling conclusion.

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What People Are Saying

School Library Journal

“In the final book of this spin-off to the original "Five Ancestors" series (Random), Jake trains with a cycling team in China and explores his jackal side. Fans of the series won't be able to put down this latest page-turner.”

goodreads -Justin W.

“Jackal is another book in Jeff Stone’s amazing series (Out of the Ashes). After all the exhilaration and danger Jake and his friends were faced in California, Jake just wants to chill and ride his bike with his friends. Then he gets an offer he can’t refuse, the chance to train and compete with his friends in China, where a committee is building a world-class team. When an old enemy chases him through Shanghai and the Chinese countryside, Jake may miss out on the opportunity to ride with his friends. I really liked this book because of the way Jeff Stone describes what Jake is feeling in his road bike races. It lets me picture what is happening and also lets me know what it feels like to be in a road bike race.”

Amazon -Shakahouse

“My eight year old son, Kai and I have read every book in the previous series (The Five Ancestors) and the new "out of the ashes" series is even better. Thanks for writing these amazing books. Jackal is one of our favorites.”

Previous Editions


Random House Children’s Books